domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Watch the following video about the Industrial Revolution ant try to answer the questions below:

  1. Where did most people work in the late 1700?
  2. Where did these important changes and innovations appear?
  3. What did the new machines achieve?
  4. Where did the mechanization begin? 
  5. Families moved from ______ _____________ of their ancestors to new ___________  __________
  6. What is the new social class?
  7. How many people were employed by industrialists?
  8. What did the workers and reformers form to protect themselves from the abuses of the industrialists?
  9. A ten-year-old mill girl says they were paid: 
    1. Two dollars a day
    2. Two dollars a week
    3. Two hundred dollars a month 
  10. She had to work
    1. From 8 am to 2 pm
    2. From 7 o'clock in the morning to 7 in the evening
    3. From 5 o'clock in the morning to 7 in the evening
  11. What is it called the world where we live today? Why?

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

UNIT TWO: Napoleonic Empire


Here you have a comment about the objectives and achievements of Napoleon:

"Napoleon was a real man as well as a legend. It was Napoleon himself who helped to create this legend. He wrote his memoirs while exiled on St. Helena between 1815 and 1821. He tells us his aim was to defend the Revolution and consolidate its gains. He emerges as a champion of equality, a supporter of popular sovereignty, a destroyer of privilege and a lover of peace. According to Napoleon, his vision was to create a United States of Europe. He wanted to free Europe from tyranny, oppression and despotism. As we know full well, this never happened. However, he did help to consolidate many gains of the Revolution. But, such a view ignores the downside of Napoleon -- his repression of liberty, the general subversion of republicanism, and the oppression of conquered peoples.
Historians would agree on two things about Napoleon. First, he was an extraordinary man, a self-made man. His drive, will, military genius and charisma made him a great man, a world historical figure, a man who made history. Machiavelli would have found Napoleon to be his perfect prince. Second, by spreading revolutionary ideals and institutions, Napoleon made it impossible for the restoration of the ancien regime. After Napoleon there was no turning back: feudalism was dead, society was secularized, the modern nation state replaced the dynastic state, and the bourgeoisie became the new class of privilege and status."


SOURCE 2: In his speech during the coup d'etat of 1799 he said to the Assembly:

"Frenchmen, without a doubt, you will see in what I did that I am a soldier who supports liberty and am a citizen who is devoted to the republic"


1. What did Napoleon mean in his speech? 
2. What is the image this cartoon wanted to transmit?
2. Did his words correspond whith the meanig of the image?

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016


Ley de bases para la Reforma Agraria (1932)
[...] Serán susceptibles de explotación las tierras incluidas en los siguientes apartados:
1.º Las ofrecidas voluntariamente por sus dueños siempre que su adquisición se considere de interés por el Instituto de Reforma Agraria [...].
5.° Las que por las circunstancias de su adquisición, por no ser explotadas directamente por los adquirentes y por las condiciones personales de los mismos, deba presumirse que fueran compradas con fines de especulación o con el único objeto de percibir su renta [...].
7.° Las incultas o manifiestamente mal cultivadas en toda aquella porción que, por su fertilidad y favorable situación permita un cultivo permanente, con rendimiento económico superior al actual [...].

Conclusión: fracaso y consecuencias.

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016


Postdam conference

COMENTARIO DE TEXTO: Acuerdos  de Postdam
Art. 1. Desarme completo y desmilitarización completa de Alemania (…).
Art. 3. Supresión del partido nacionalsocialista y (…) disolución de todas las instituciones nazis.
Art. 5. Los criminales de guerra (…) serán detenidos y sometidos a juicio.
Art. 7. La educación alemana será controlada de forma que elimine completamente las doctrinas nazis y militaristas, y que permita el feliz desarrollo de las ideas democráticas.

Sigue el guión:

1.      Lectura
2.    Vocabulario. Busca las palabras clave y defínelas
3.      Clasificación:
a.       Fuente: Primaria
b.      Formato: Acuerdo
c.       Naturaleza: Político - circunstancial
d. Autor/es y fecha
4.      Análisis:
a.       Tema: 
b.      Partes: Se han seleccionado 4 artículos referentes a ...
5.      Comentario:
a.       ¿Qué es Postdan? / ¿Dónde? /¿Cuándo?/¿Quiénes la integran?
b.      A parte de los puntos que aparecen en el comentario, otras decisiones (relacionar con Yalta)
c.       ¿Consecuencias de Postdam?


martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Unit 8: Fascism and Nazism: Weimar Republic

The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, was a failed coup attempt by the Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler — along with General quarter master Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders — to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, during 8–9 November 1923. About two thousand men marched to the centre of Munich where they confronted the police, which resulted in the death of 16 Nazis and four policemen.
After two days, Hitler was arrested and was charged with treason. From Hitler's perspective, there were three positive benefits from this attempt to seize power unlawfully. First, the putsch brought Hitler to the attention of the nation. His arrest was followed by a 24-day trial, which gave him a platform to publicize his nationalist sentiment to the nation. Hitler was found guilty of treason and he was sentenced to five years. The second benefit to Hitler resulted in the production of his book Mein Kampf, which was dictated to his fellow prisoner, Rudolf Hess. Hitler was released on 20 December 1924, having served only nine months. The final benefit that accrued to Hitler was the insight that the path to power was through legitimate means. Revolution and anarchy was not the answer to the pursuit of power. Accordingly, the most significant outcome of the putsch was a decision by Hitler to change NSDAP tactics, which would demand an increasing reliance on the development and furthering of Nazi propaganda.
From Wikipedia:

"In hyperinflation, a kilo of potatoes was worth, to some, more than the family silver; a side of pork more than the grand piano. A prostitute in the family was better than an infant corpse; theft was preferable to starvation; warmth was finer than honour, clothing more essential than democracy, food more needed than freedom."
From the book of Adam Ferguson: “When Money dies”

1.       Read the text about the Putsch of Munich and answer:
a.       Translate the underlined words.
b.      Who were the leaders of the coup d’Etat?
c.       The Spartacist Uprising was a communist rebellion. What was the political ideology during the Putsch?
d.      The main leaders were imprisoned. Which three benefits did this situation provide Hitler with? (Summarize them in three sentences. Do not copy. Use your words)
2.       Read the Adam Ferguson's text and try to explain it.
3.       Why did the German economy change since 1924?
4.       Why did the Crash of New York affect Germany so much?

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

Las Tesis de Abril

Extracto de las Tesis de Abril.

2ª La particularidad de la actual situación rusa es el tránsito de la primera etapa de la Revolución, que ha dado el poder a la burguesía (...) a la segunda etapa, que tiene que poner el poder en manos del proletariado y el campesinado.

5ª No a la República parlamentaria, sino a la República de los Soviets de diputados de obreros, braceros y campesinos (...) 

6ª (...)Confiscación de todas las tierras de los latifundios. Nacionalización de todas las tierras, que quedarán a disposición de los soviets locales de diputados braceros y campesinos.

7ª Fusión inmediata de todos los bancos del país en un Banco Nacional único sometido al control de los soviets de diputados obreros.

8ª (...) Control de la producción social y de la distribución de los productos por los Soviets de diputados de obreros.


Comenta el texto, atendiendo a la siguiente estructura:

1. Clasificación (recuerda especificar el tipo de FUENTE, NATURALEZA y FORMATO del texto). Fecha y Autor.
2. Análisis: determinar las partes del texto. Se puede resumir brevemente su contenido.
3. Vocabulario. Selección de palabras claves y su definición.
4. Cometario

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

The Zimmerman's Telegram.

The decoded telegram is as follows:

"We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep The United States of America neutral. In the event it not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the sugestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace". Signed ZIMMERMAN.

Telegram sent by Arthur Zimmerman, State Secretary for foreign affairs of Germany to the German Ambassador in Mexico, on January 11, 1917. The telegram was decoded by Great Britain and provoked the entry of the United States in the First World War.

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Unit 4: Spain in 19th century

3. The reign of Ferdinand VII: The resistance to the change.
Click on the image

Francisco de Goya, 1814. Museo del Prado

4. Isabella II: the construction of a liberal State:
Click on the image
Detalle del retrato de Isabel II
de Franz Xavier Winterhalter (Palacio Real).